Voyager I Poster

New Media Design Digital Survey II, Spring 2022, Professor Melissa Warp

The final assignment for my NMD Digital Survey II class was to design a poster that evokes a historical event. I chose to illustrate the journey of the space probe, Voyager I, and the Golden Record affixed to it. The Golden Record contained music, sounds, and voices from around the globe; a symbol of Earth that became the first human-made object to leave the solar system.

My poster features the casing of The Golden Record, including the diagrams that display important information about Earth to potential extraterrestrial viewers. It also features the title and tracklist of the record in the original font, Caslon. The background features concentric circles reminiscent of orbits or the grooves of a record. It also has bands of colors that draw inspiration from the image artifacts in one of Voyager I’s most famous photographs, “Pale Blue Dot.”